To Fear or not to fear…that is the question?

Fear. What does that word ignite in you? Do you feel excited to jump in and tackle whatever it is that you fear? Or do you shy away from that which is causing you to be fearful?

I was reading a devo about Abraham and it referenced Hebrews 11:8. Basically, Abraham was called by God to leave his hometown and everything and everybody that he knew to go somewhere that God was going to show him.  Somewhere… a place out there in somewhere land.  Abraham had no clue where he was going or where this place was or what it was going to look like.  Yet he was like “OK God, I’m willing and, yep, I am already packing up!  Let’s do this!  Show me the way!”  Away Abraham went.  Not knowing.  Not questioning.  Not bantering and putting in his 2 cents. 

Abraham went.  Trusting God. He didn’t allow his fears to hold him back from God’s calling.  I can’t imagine that he didn’t have some fears…come on…Abraham was human just like me and you.  But, I think this was easier for him because he had a relationship with God and had the necessary tools for his faith-filled journey.

Anyway, I think Abraham is our example of what it means to walk by faith and not let fear hold us back, paralyze us, or cause us to create our own plan.  When God calls, His hope is that our faith will override our fear…for me I will say that fear is plural…FEARS! 

For this to happen, like Abraham, I have to be nurturing and investing in my relationship with Christ.  When God “calls,” and you know He will because He has a plan for you and for me, I have to have use my tools of faith to act on what I can’t see.  If I have been proactive, I will be less-fearful and more willing to let my faith compel me.

This brought me to Isaiah 43:1-7.  Specifically, v5 “fear not, for I am with you.”  Have you ever thought about this?  God knows no fear.  He sees and knows clearly what He needs and has planned for me and for you.  God expects me (and you) to not fear when he “calls” because HE, God, sovereign Lord, is with me and you! 

This was kind of an “ah-ha” moment for me today.  I wrote in my bible, “how does this look practically?”  I battle fear and wish it weren’t so.  I have the desire and want to be like Abraham and say, “Ok God, I’m all in. Show me where I am going?”  I realize that God doesn’t want me to have a spirit of fear and that where He calls me to go, I can trust Him to be my guide and lead the way. 

I will attempt to remember these things when the “fear monster” rears his ugly head!  By faith, I CAN obey and do whatever “it” is.

Questions:  Wonder what it looks like for you to “fear not,” knowing that God is with you?  And, what do you need to proactively do to prepare for your next “fear monster?”  Share your comments.  I would love to hear.


  1. Melissa-Reply
    April 16, 2013 at 3:49 pm

    Great insight… we often miss the blessings due to fear. I admire Abraham because God said go and he went. He didn’t have to know the end point or the entire plan he was just obedient. I think that is what God wants from all of us, our complete trust in Him. Just this moment, I realized that in our first move I completele trusted God. I moved 1000 miles away from everything I was comfortable with and was obedient when I heard Him say move. My faith was strengthened and I had experiences that have made me who I am today. I was completely relying on HIm every day. Wasn’t’ asking a milliion questions or trying to control. Just took it one day at a time. I wish I could say my other moves have been like but not so much as the first move. I often took things into my own hands instead of leaving it
    in Gods hand. Lucky for me that God is gracious and merciful.

    • April 16, 2013 at 8:58 pm

      So appreciate your response, insight and comments! We continue to learn and grow my dear sister! And I so agree with your last sentence…”lucky for me that God is gracious and merciful!”

  2. April 17, 2013 at 12:38 am

    In my seminary classes I am taught to ONLY look at what the text says and to avoid adding anything to it. In this instance, I cannot resist the urge. Therefore, I both agree and disagree with you, my friend. I think Abraham DID banter with God. He IS like you and me and I have to believe he went back and forth with God. But to banter with God can be prayer. (Yes, there it can also look like resistance and disobedience. But I also think to banter can be to wrestle, which leads to a unique level of intimacy with God. (I love the idea of literally wrestling with God…)

    Every time I drive to AU, I pass a church sign that says something along the lines of ‘Courage is fear that has been prayed through…’ It makes me smile each time. Fears that have been covered in prayer amount to courage. Conversely, I think the enemy uses discouragement to keep us from even lifting our fears to the Lord in prayer.

    For me, it is not so much about fear, but about remembering to tap into the power of Christ. I KNOW He is sufficient and able. This is an area I am working to discipline myself in academically. To acknowledge His supremacy and authority and power within me before I sit down to begin a task. When fear creeps in, I know I am relying on my own flesh and blood. I am so thankful for the power of the risen Christ that resides IN ME through the Holy Spirit. So when I hit the next roadblock of fear I am going to stop what I am doing, check my thoughts, take them captive, and pray that the Spirit will guide me through the task at hand. That, I know He will do!

    Thanks for such a though provoking post! It was great for me to reflect upon this very real obstacle and to think through how I can handle it differently. (I typed this on my phone and cannot really see what is going on so please forgive all my typos!)

    • April 18, 2013 at 2:40 pm

      Wow Linds! Thanks for your feedback and insight. Seminary is doing you well 🙂 Love the thought of banter and wrestling with God and the forms that can take for each of us…Abraham included. Thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts so others can glean from your learning!

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