5 Benefits of Accountability to Support Your Growth

Can you believe it, the New Year is upon us?  With the new year, comes lots of reflections about family, finances, parenting, career, spirituality, relationships & fitness; what’s good, what needs tweaked, changed and supported.

Who doesn’t come into the new year with these grandiose thoughts of declaring their list of new year’s resolutions for personal and professional growth and wellness?  I would venture to say, most of us.  Though you might be like me and rebel against “declaring new years resolutions” but instead “set goals.”  Semantics, ya know!

Year after year, I see it happen.  I set goals for change and growth.  I am motivated and optimistic. My intentions are good, yet my follow through wanes about 3-4 weeks into the new year.  Why is that? What can help my follow through and yours, to actually accomplish our goals?

My experiences reveal that I do better when I have someone alongside.  That someone is an accountability partner.

An accountability partner is someone I turn to when I want to intentionally change and grow.

Accountability is what I need to get in place to support my why and my plan.  Accountability is for me. My accountability partner’s have been: friends, a mentor and a coach.

An accountability relationship offers many benefits that will support you each step of the way!

5 Benefits to Accountability:

  1. Accountability provides encouragement.  You will get cheers and applause to celebrate your steps, wins and accomplishments.
  2. Accountability offers support.  You will be listened to, while you process the thoughts and implement steps/a plan, which are essential to the process.
  3. Accountability promotes honesty and authenticity.  You will have space to identify your needs, fears, wants and obstacles.
  4. Accountability fosters follow through. You will be asked questions, set deadlines and share your progress.
  5. Accountability strengthens visioning.  You will be challenged to think outside the box to what could be.  This will foster growth and transformation.

Whether you are setting goals or declaring resolutions, an accountability partner (friend, mentor or coach) will be vital to your success in moving forward.

Action Steps:  Who will you ask?  Make a list.  When will you ask them?  Set a timeline.  What do you need them to do? Share it.  How often will you check in with them? Calendar and commit.

If you would like to have a coach for accountability, I am offering a “Coaching Accountability Special.”

Coaching Accountability Special:  $97 for 15 minutes of laser coaching per month for 2017.

Let’s get started today!  Grab this special for yourself and begin reaping the benefits!

Click here and in the subject line put “Coaching Accountability Special.” I will contact you and we will jump in!

Or make the call and get a friend or mentor on board.  It will make a huge difference!

Would love to hear from you!  Share any thoughts, tips or other benefits, in the comments section.

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