

[New Post] 3 Things I learned about layovers

It all started in the bathroom. My hubby was showering. I was standing in front of the mirror putting on my make-up. “What am I going to do about these wrinkles around my eyes?” Despite not being able to see him, I know he smirked, then giggled. Am sure he thought “what is the right answer?” I didn’t give him time to respond. I mused, “Pretty worldly concern, huh?”

Our conversation proceeded and ultimately led him to share about a message he heard days prior. We had a great conversation. He left me with this sentence, “Life is just a layover.” I walked away thinking “Really, is life just a layover?”

Layovers don’t invoke positive thoughts, feelings, emotions or actions. To be honest, layovers, delays or stops of any kind annoy me. Layovers cause me to be irritable, impatient and out of sorts.

The thought of layovers takes my thoughts to traveling. I don’t want layovers. I want a straight through flight, and not just because I have anxiety when it comes to flying; by car, I want to take the quickest route to get where we are going. Why is this and why do I loathe layovers?

It’s truth telling time my friends. I like to feel in control. I like a plan. I like a schedule. Let me map it out, take charge and get going. Once I know where I am going, I just want to get there. Bottom line: I like to get where I am going. No layovers. I like to arrive as soon as possible to “the destination,” as I planned. Lots of I’s and me’s, huh?

Layover is defined as “a period of rest or waiting before a further stage in a journey.” Stop, stopover or halt are a few synonyms.Costa Rica

Reflecting on that definition and synonyms makes a layover seem purposeful and active. There is something good to stopping or halting; to resting or waiting. It almost ignites positive thought, emotion and feeling. Ah, layovers can be for reasons that are beyond my understanding.

What have I learned?

1. My plans are just that, my plans. God has a plan for me in this layover of life and I need to intentionally seek, pursue and live it. Selflessly. Humbly. Purposefully.

2. Layovers have purpose and I am not to be passive in them. During layovers and waiting there are things to do. Action is required. I can trust God’s and His purpose and plan. My job is to do and step when the time to do and step comes.

3. Live with the end in mind. Life isn’t about the here and now. God created me for eternity and life is a step toward eternity.When traveling to Costa Rica, I knew where we were going. I planned, organized, scheduled, packed and jumped on the plane. I couldn’t wait to get there; even in the layover I was excited because I knew the destination!

These things have helped me to change my perspective on layovers and waiting. It’s vital for me to remember where I am headed. This will help me embrace the layover, anticipate in the waiting and do everything I am to do until I get to where I am going.

Jeremiah 29:11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Questions:  How do you respond to layovers and waiting?  What could you do to shift your thinking about layovers and periods of waiting?  Share your comments.  I would love to hear.


To Fear or not to fear…that is the question?

Fear. What does that word ignite in you? Do you feel excited to jump in and tackle whatever it is that you fear? Or do you shy away from that which is causing you to be fearful?

I was reading a devo about Abraham and it referenced Hebrews 11:8. Basically, Abraham was called by God to leave his hometown and everything and everybody that he knew to go somewhere that God was going to show him.  Somewhere… a place out there in somewhere land.  Abraham had no clue where he was going or where this place was or what it was going to look like.  Yet he was like “OK God, I’m willing and, yep, I am already packing up!  Let’s do this!  Show me the way!”  Away Abraham went.  Not knowing.  Not questioning.  Not bantering and putting in his 2 cents. 

Abraham went.  Trusting God. He didn’t allow his fears to hold him back from God’s calling.  I can’t imagine that he didn’t have some fears…come on…Abraham was human just like me and you.  But, I think this was easier for him because he had a relationship with God and had the necessary tools for his faith-filled journey.

Anyway, I think Abraham is our example of what it means to walk by faith and not let fear hold us back, paralyze us, or cause us to create our own plan.  When God calls, His hope is that our faith will override our fear…for me I will say that fear is plural…FEARS! 

For this to happen, like Abraham, I have to be nurturing and investing in my relationship with Christ.  When God “calls,” and you know He will because He has a plan for you and for me, I have to have use my tools of faith to act on what I can’t see.  If I have been proactive, I will be less-fearful and more willing to let my faith compel me.

This brought me to Isaiah 43:1-7.  Specifically, v5 “fear not, for I am with you.”  Have you ever thought about this?  God knows no fear.  He sees and knows clearly what He needs and has planned for me and for you.  God expects me (and you) to not fear when he “calls” because HE, God, sovereign Lord, is with me and you! 

This was kind of an “ah-ha” moment for me today.  I wrote in my bible, “how does this look practically?”  I battle fear and wish it weren’t so.  I have the desire and want to be like Abraham and say, “Ok God, I’m all in. Show me where I am going?”  I realize that God doesn’t want me to have a spirit of fear and that where He calls me to go, I can trust Him to be my guide and lead the way. 

I will attempt to remember these things when the “fear monster” rears his ugly head!  By faith, I CAN obey and do whatever “it” is.

Questions:  Wonder what it looks like for you to “fear not,” knowing that God is with you?  And, what do you need to proactively do to prepare for your next “fear monster?”  Share your comments.  I would love to hear.


“There are thin…

“There are things in life that propel us and things that repel us. Both cause growth and have purpose. And, both strengthen us to be more of who God intended.” ~by me


Great podcast!

Great podcast!

This teaching by Michael Hyatt is worth listening to.


What is your greatest take-away?  And, What do you need to do today to be “a happy person?”


Spring Forward …

Spring Forward is almost here! Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday, March 10 – set your clocks forward one hour before going to bed Saturday night! Or do it now just to get prepared.


“The more you r…

“The more you reaffirm who you are in Christ, the more your behavior (and beliefs) will begin to reflect your true identity!” -Dr. Neil T. Anderson


To do or not to do…or just take a nap?

Do you ever have so much going through your mind that you become consumed with what to do or not do?  Sidetracked by things that come up that weren’t on your list?

Well, if so, I say, “welcome to my world today (and other days, too)!”  Goodness.  Despite being on my new 3×5 card Time Management plan (with the help of my Mentor Coach), I am struggling to stay focused and on task.  I have been here there and everywhere today and back to the here.  And, can I just share that I broke my most favorite hair tool, my Paul Mitchell flat-iron.  The loss of a gals major hair tool is a big deal!

Anyway, so where is “here?”  Here is #3 on my list of majors today.  Majors are my list of three things, for the day, which I am to get done before my head hits the pillow tonight.  #3 on my list for today says “blog something.”

Blog something, ok!  To do or not to do…or just take a nap?  That is seriously what jumped into my head. And it so it goes…IMG_1069

Focus and Discipline.  Being focused is a good thing.  Focus helps us be productive.  Focus is part of being disciplined.  Discipline is a good thing.  Discipline helps us be productive.  Discipline is part of being focused.  Oh, the two are so connected.

I believe there is something good about being focused and disciplined that keeps me productive and on track.  I know that and you know all that.  Reality is there are those days where my best attempts to focus, be disciplined and productive battle with my thoughts, my desires and ordinary things that happen in my day.  My mind races to and fro and so do I.  Laundry, dinner, oh that webpage, email, and oh gosh my coaching homework, tennis practice, and going to the courthouse and bank, those can wait until another day.  It’s hard because I really just want to get the things checked off my 3×5 card list to feel like I really did get something accomplished.  That shows I was focused and disciplined.

It’s been a battle today with what I want to do, what I need to do and what I could do.  I am managing to get some of my minor’s done and working on my Majors too.  I committed to try this time management plan for 21 days to help my focus, discipline and movement forward.  I decided I don’t have to play this focus-discipline game on the weekends so it’s been 11 days!  I have been faithful in pondering, praying and writing down my to-do’s…majors and minors and 90 day goals; but you know what…today I just want to throw my card in the trash and take a nap!  To do or not to do? That’s the question.

Hope this brings a smile to your face and encourages you to know that I have “those” kind of days.  It has made me smile thinking about my day and my mood has shifted to a better place.  AND, I am realizing in this minute that I can cross off #3 on my card. Yes!

(PS. My first attempt at posting this got all messed up and I didn’t save it.  URGH…I will not be defeated! Re-do is done and hitting PUBLISH!)


VPM…what are those?

      Penguins      Vision.   Purpose.   Mission.

Are these things really important? Do we really need a VPM?  Will having a VPM change how we live life? I have been pondering these and similar questions for weeks.  Through a life coaching class, we were challenged to figure out our life VPM.  What a daunting task this has been!

This morning, I was reading and the story connected with my work on VPM and what I accomplished this week. Yes! Officially completed the VPM challenge.  Done. Rah-Rah, fist bump, boom boom!

Anyway, here was the connection and learning. I was reading about Paul, in Acts 26. Short summary: Paul had a vision, a purpose and a mission!  “Hmmm, VPM must be important and needed to live with intention, huh?”

My ponderings began. Paul’s journey in Acts 26 reminded me of my recent journey into Life Coaching.  Life coaching was not something I set out to do…it randomly came up in a random conversation at a random moment. In those “randoms,” I believe a vision of sorts was birthed in me. My life path shifted.  Like Paul, his life journey shifted because of a heavenly vision. Paul sure didn’t start out being a radical follower of Jesus….remember, he was mean, really mean, to people who believed in and followed Jesus.

After the vision, it was like Paul knew that he knew (he believed) there was a purpose for his life.  The story basically says, he stood up on his feet to do what was laid before him, embraced the vision and became willing to do it.  Well, I can’t say that I just jumped to my feet and embraced my vision, willingly; but I did stand up and took baby steps forward.  I wonder if Paul doubted or wavered.  I know that I have. However, the baby steps taken have reinforced that I do have a purpose for the season that I am now living.  Despite the obstacles and my own self-sabotaged thinking, I have continued to step forward with a “do it” attitude (most of the time), just like Paul.

Paul knew his “what, why and where.”  Paul was sent to be a servant and witness to those who needed forgiveness and a Savior.  This was his mission and he began doing it!  Living intentionally. Don’t you just want to holler, “Go Paul?”

Crazy as it is, I know my “what, why and where,” for this season of life. It’s time for the action.  I bet Paul was scared and discouraged, just like me.  But Paul kept the heavenly VPM in front of his eyes! Paul’s life encourages me to keep stepping; to keep trusting; to act; and to keep God’s VPM for my life in front of my eyes.  Despite my fears, doubts and discouragement, I am learning almost daily what it means to discover and live with vision and purpose. And that kind of excites me!

Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,”  declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

Questions: Do you desire to live like Paul knowing your “what, why and where?” What can you do to discover them?  Are you willing? 


LinkedIN…network and connection

A few weeks ago, I set up and activated a LinkedIN account.  I am in the process of starting my life coaching business, so joining LinkedIN seemed like a “professional” next right step.  Unsure and a little nervous, I filled in the blanks, made up a summary, noted my experiences and completed the other pages.  Then, the clicking began…invites galore to link with “my people or tribe.”  It was fun and, I must say, a little exhilarating inviting people to connect with me on LinkedIN.

Fast forward to today, Halloween 2012.  It was cold and spitting snow, so running outside was out.  I jumped in the car and headed to the YMCA.  Popped in the ear buds and loaded up a sermon so I could exercise and learn (yes, multi-tasker here). Exercise is much more exciting, if I can learn too!  Jumped on the elliptical, and hit play. The message was really good, but what jumped out was the pastor’s use of the words “linked in.” And he wasn’t referencing the network of “LinkedIN.” He used the words two different times and each time, despite panting, sweating and thinking 10 more minutes, 10 more minutes, the words, “linked in,” resonated in my ears and my mind started whirling.

My whirling thoughts:

I have been very intrigued by social media and networking and how it allows me to connect with people, family and friends, all over the world and for various reasons and purposes.  I am a user of many: FB, Twitter, Instagram, Stumble, LinkedIn.  Social media is fun for me; it facilitates my learning, lets me encourage and be encouraged and will, I believe, help me grow a coaching business.  Networking excites me, and you must know, it’s a balancing act for me to not let it consume me and my time!  Anyway, I believe that my networks are important and will absolutely serve a purpose, if I use them wisely.

All that to say, those words “linked in” made me stop and think about God and my being “linked in” with Him…to HIS network.

I realized, I could have the biggest LinkedIN network out there and that would be great, because to be honest that would make me feel pretty darn important and feed my little prideful-ego that I battle daily.  Goodness, the energy I have spent focusing on how to “grow” my network…all for me.  If Jesus isn’t my biggest, primary network, I will be living my life for me, selfishly and prideful, while performing, and attempting to do, be and build for reasons and purposes that will not align with God’s.

My LinkedIN lesson today:  Each day, before I go off, head out and do what I do, my own agenda, plans and selfish desires, I must make some choices.  First, make the choice to lay aside my networking gadgets.  Next, make the choice to take a deep breath, grab my Bible, journal and pen.  Finally, to login to my “JesusLINK” account first; then be still before Him, to allow Him to encourage, teach, and direct my steps for the day.

I am reminded that God desires relationship with me and apart from Him I can do nothing.

“I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant.”  John 15:5 MSG

Questions: What are your thoughts about being “linked in” with Jesus, as your first go-to network?  And if you haven’t connected yet, are you willing to send an invite to be “LinkedIN”?


So, what’s a Life Coach anyway?

I just wanted to share this article that defines Professional Life Coaching.  The writer of the article is the President/CEO of the Institute where I am taking my classes to become a Life Coach. 

Life Coaching became a “word” in the Merriam Webster dictionary in the last few days.  However, it was not an appropriate definition as defined by the ICF, which is the regulatory body of Life Coaches.  I just wanted to share this to help educate others on the role of a “Coach.”  My hope is that ordinary people like me and you, pastors, professionals and lay people will come to understand what Professional Christian Coaching is and see the value in the service Coaching can offer.  I will look forward to any of your thoughts and to keeping me in mind for referrals in the future!


Have a great week and feel free to share this with others!